B+H selected to design childrens’ hospital’s 22-storey tower

childrens hospital toronto

The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) has selected B+H as design architect and prime consultant for the new Patient Support Centre (PSC) project.

The PSC, which is part of the hospital’s campus redevelopment plan Project Horizon, will house the hospital’s education, clinical research and administrative services in a 22-storey tower. It will be built where the current McMaster Building is located, at the corner of Elm St. and Elizabeth St.

The center’s estimated completion date is late 2022 to early 2023.

Project Horizon is planning around 1.3 million sq. ft. of new build on the SickKids campus. It includes the 22-storey PSC and a new Patient Care Centre.

“Our campus redevelopment plan, Project Horizon, will enhance our ability to deliver high-quality specialized care by investing in new, sustainable facilities and technology. Project Horizon provides the opportunity to build an inspired, re-imagined hospital of the future that will transform the experience of patients and their families, enable the delivery of state-of-the-art care, and ensure sufficient service capacity to meet the growing needs of the citizens of Ontario,” according to SickKids.


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