Bruce Power launches Major
Component Replacement project
Ontario Construction Report staff writer
It’s been four years since Bruce
Power started its Life-Extension Pro-
gram, and now the execution phase
of its first Major Component Replace-
ment (MCR) project is underway.

The Operations team at the Bruce
B nuclear generating station com-
pleted the rundown sequence for
Unit 6 and took the unit offline in Jan-
uary. PAGE 2 – FEBRUARY 2020 – The Ontario Construction Report
Units 3 - 8 will be upgraded during
MCR from now until 2033, replacing
the reactor components to extend
the life of those units, and the Bruce
Power site, to 2064.

“The Unit 6 project marks the next
big step in a long campaign to revital-
ize this site,” Mike Rencheck, Presi-
dent and CEO, said in a media
release. “It has taken commitment, focus
and innovation to get us to this point,
and on behalf of our board of direc-
tors and the senior leadership team,
thank you to everyone who has con-
tributed to the MCR planning
process. “Our employees, supplier partners
and skilled tradespeople participating
in this project are ready for the jour-
ney ahead, and I look forward to de-
livering our plan and securing our
future.” Expanding the life of the Bruce
Power site until 2064 will result in an
annual injection of $4 billion into On-
tario’s economy while creating and
sustaining 22,000 jobs across the
province each year.

The company will continue to
safely provide clean, affordable, reli-
able power and life-saving medical
isotopes while strengthening local
communities and protecting the envi-
ronment. “With Unit 6 offline, we have
reached a pivotal moment in Bruce
Power’s history,” Rencheck said. “We
are focused on doing our work safely,
to the highest standard, on time and
on budget.”
Formed in 2001, Bruce Power is an
electricity company based in Bruce
County with over 4,200 employees.