Joe Guida of PATTERNED CONCRETE® Toronto
Durability and natural quality
enhance company’s stamped
and decorative concrete
inter-generational reputation
Joe Guida leads this business, focusing on professionally
and durably stamped and decorative concrete, under the
PATTERNED CONCRETE trade name. In addition to resi-
dential applications, projects include municipal works,
parks, skate parks and exterior commercial works.

The business started in the late 1980s after Joe’s older
brother Frank Guida, who leads Tri-Con Concrete Finishing
Ltd. (see separate story) noticed the growing popularity of
stamped concrete, which involves applying color and texture
to make concrete look like natural stone, cobblestone, brick,
or even wood. They purchased the PATTERNED CONCRETE
trade name and founded Patterned Concrete Ontario Inc. in
1990, with Joe as president.

Today, the company employs more than 70 workers, but
24 – Spring 2018 — The Canadian Design and Construction Report
Joe remains actively involved with the business and client
files. And he has met clients who had work done in the
early 1990s, reporting everything looks just as good as it
was when the work was first done.

With natural stone forms, the decorative concrete
doesn’t look at all artificial. Guida says the company has
successfully fine tuned materials and procedures to with-
stand the colder Canadian climate.

“There have been situations where a high-end pool com-
pany goes to see a client with a multimillion dollar house,”
Joe said in a published report. “They say they definitely
want a natural stone, then they look through the book of
examples and choose a stamped concrete installation by