Fredericton’s $8.9 million
downtown makeover
includes permanent
Officer’s Square stage
Fredericton is getting a $400,000
permanent main stage at historic Of-
ficers' Square as part of an $8.9 mil-
lion makeover of the downtown
space, CBC reports.

The stage will be made of corten
steel, which rusts in the elements
and forms a protective outer layer.

"We wanted to find an element that's
both recyclable and durable, but
beautiful," said architect Monica Adair
of Acre Architects.

The stage will be built next to the
Fredericton Region Museum. Con-
struction will start next year.

$200 million Canso
spaceport construction
delayed The start date for the construction
of Canada's only commercial space-
port has been delayed.

Stephen Matier, president of Mar-
itime Launch Services, had hoped to
break ground this spring on the $200-
million project on Nova Scotia's East-
ern Shore. However, Matier says the
Canso rocket launch site likely won't
start being developed until later this
year. 30 – Spring 2018 — The Canadian Design and Construction Report
He told CBC that he had hoped
the process would be moving faster,
but his firm doesn't plan on cutting
corners. The project aims to attract consor-
tiums of firms that want to put satel-
lites into orbit for commercial
purposes, such as near-Earth imag-
ing, rather than putting humans into
space. The private-sector venture re-
quires the province's environmental
approval and further regulatory ap-
provals for launching procedures.

Matier said his company will submit
an environment assessment to the
province within the next month.

The company is still aiming for the
first round of satellite launches to
begin in 2021, he said.

StandardAero plans
30,000 sq. ft. Summerside
plant expansion
StandardAero Summerside, for-
merly known as Vector Aerospace, is
preparing a 30,000 sq. ft. expansion.

Jeff Poirier, vice-president and
general manager for StandardAero,
says work currently done in Winnipeg
will now be transferred to Summer-
side. "Summerside's reputation in the in-
dustry for great quality, great turn
time and superb customer service al-
lowed them to transfer this work that
was formerly done in Winnipeg to
Summerside with very little concern,"
Poirier said.

"It's a full-level expansion of the
entire facility, entire company," Poirier
said. "This is not just a good news
story for Summerside, this is a great
news story for Prince Edward Island
as a whole."
He said Slemon Park Corporation
will put out a request for tender in
the coming weeks to construct the
expanded facility, with the construc-
tion process to begin soon after. The
work is expected to be completed by
the end of the year.

LABRADOR Government to remove
secrecy about Muskrat Falls
contractor pay
A proposed change to the Energy
Corporation Act means the identities
and amount of money paid to con-
tractors hired directly by Nalcor for
work on the Muskrat Falls project will
soon be available for public disclo-
sure under Newfoundland and
Labrador's access to information
laws, CBC reports.

Natural Resources minister
Siobhan Coady said in May that an
amendment to the act will modify the
definition of "commercially sensitive
information" related to the project’s
temporary workers.

The names of so-called embedded
contractors and payments received
from Nalcor Energy will no longer be
protected, and that disclosure will be
retroactive to past contracts, she
said. The change will bring Nalcor in
line with other Crown corporations
and agencies with respect to infor-
mation disclosure and accountability,
where the secrecy was "not reason-
able or necessary," she said.

She said the change is part of the
Liberal government's commitment to
openness and transparency.

CBC reports the amendment fol-
lows intense media scrutiny of the
issue in 2017, with Nalcor saying it
was unable to release billing rates
and the names of hundreds of con-
tractors working on the massive pro-
ject, which is billions over budget and
years behind schedule, because of
limitations in the Energy Corporation

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The Canadian Design and Construction Report — Spring 2018 – 31