The Canadian Design and Construction Report is published
bi-monthly by Mekomedia Enterprises Inc., a member of the
Construction News and Report Group of Companies.

The magazine is distributed to thousands of design and construc-
tion industry leaders across Canada. It is also available for review and
downloading at the Canadian Design and Construction Report
website (www.cadcr.com) or you can sign up for the electronic
edition newsletter by emailing buckshon@cadcr.com.

You can receive the online magazine free. If you wish printed copies,
you can request a single issue for $15.99 or an annual subscription
for $90.00, which also provides you a free basic directory listing.

Here’s how we can provide positive publicity for your business or
organization: • You can become a Canadian Design and Construction Report
sponsor. Sponsorship packages start at $345 per issue. Spon-
sorships can provide you promotional recognition with targeted
advertising messages, a free one-page business profile and op-
tions to provide industry expert/guest columns. As a sponsor you
will also receive enhanced publicity in the online edition with ban-
ner ad placement as well as embedded videos into your ads.

• Qualifying organizations can receive a free editorial profile in
the Canadian Design and Construction Report, based on supplier-
support advertising. This method of marketing is highly cost-
effective and enhances and encourages the development of
healthy business relationships.

For more information about either marketing option, please email
Chase at chase@cadcr.com or phone 888-627-8717 ext 212.

You can contact the editor, Mark Buckshon, at buckshon@cadcr.com
or phone 888-627-8717 ext 224. Submissions which provide
relevant information on topics of relevance to the design and
construction network community are invited. Business and self-
promotional profiles are encouraged to consider the editorial profile
or sponsorship options outlined above.

Publisher and interim editor
Mark Buckshon, buckshon@cadcr.com
Writer: Heather Kirk, hkirk@cnrgp.com
Business development and marketing:
Chase, chase@cadcr.com 905-228-1151
Paul Scissons, pscissons@cadcr.com (888) 627-8717 ext 225
Production: Raymond Leveille, memoproductions.ca
Subscription and print copy requests:
Katherine Jeffrey, kjeffrey@cnrgp.com
Phone 888-627-8717 ext 114
Mailing address
1554 Carling Avenue, Suite 57, Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 7M4
Copyright, 2018, Mekomedia Enterprises Inc.

For permission to reprint, please contact
Mark Buckshon at buckshon@cadcr.com
the Construction News and
Report Group of Companies . . .

The Construction News and Report Group of Companies
(CNRGP) focuses on news and information for the con-
struction industry in regional and national markets both in
Canada and the U.S. Services include:
Regional (and local) publications
The company publishes regional construction industry
newspapers and websites serving Ontario, Canada and the
Carolinas, Chicago and Florida, in the U.S. Additional
information is available at the respective publications’
websites. Titles include:
Ottawa Construction News
http://www.linkedin.com/groupInvitation?gid=926 The
787 GTA Construction Report
Northern Ontario Construction News
Ontario Construction Report
North Carolina Construction News
South Carolina Construction News
Chicago Construction News
Florida Construction News
New York Construction News
National publications
The Canadian Design and Construction Report and
The Design and Construction Report (U.S.) are maga-
zines serving a cross section of the architectural, engineering
and construction industry in both the U.S. and Canada.

Distribution of the online edition is free to qualified
readers, with video and embedded web links enhancing
the reading experience. You can purchase a subscription
to the printed edition by emailing buckshon@cadcr.com.

Association Publications and Directories
CNRGP serves as contract publisher for associations wish-
ing to produce high quality newsletters and directories.

For more details, contact Chase at Chase@cadcr.com.

Book publishing
Asset Beam Publishing Ltd., a division of the Construction
News and Report Group, publishes in print and electronic
format, high quality books for distribution to the AEC com-
munity and beyond. Using print-on-demand technologies,
specialized markets can be served with low production
costs and appealing revenue sharing options for authors,
accepted for publication. For more information, contact
Mark Buckshon at buckshon@cadcr.com.

The Construction Marketing Ideas
blog and website
Constructionmarketingideas.com is the first independent
website/blog dedicated to news and developments for mar-
keting in the architectural, engineering and construction
communities. Updated daily, it provides links to dozens of
resources and services related to AEC marketing.