The Canadian Design and Construction Report is published
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You can contact the editor, Mark Buckshon, at buckshon@cadcr.com
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Publisher and interim editor
Mark Buckshon, buckshon@cadcr.com
Writer: Heather Kirk, hkirk@cnrgp.com
Business development and marketing:
Chase, chase@cadcr.com 905-228-1151
Paul Scissons, pscissons@cadcr.com (888) 627-8717 ext 225
Production: Raymond Leveille, memoproductions.ca
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Phone 888-627-8717 ext 114
Mailing address
1554 Carling Avenue, Suite 57, Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 7M4
Copyright, 2018, Mekomedia Enterprises Inc.

For permission to reprint, please contact
Mark Buckshon at buckshon@cadcr.com
the Construction News and
Report Group of Companies . . .

The Construction News and Report Group of Companies
(CNRGP) focuses on news and information for the con-
struction industry in regional and national markets both in
Canada and the U.S. Services include:
Regional (and local) publications
The company publishes regional construction industry
newspapers and websites serving Ontario, Canada and the
Carolinas, Chicago and Florida, in the U.S. Additional
information is available at the respective publications’
websites. Titles include:
Ottawa Construction News
http://www.linkedin.com/groupInvitation?gid=926 The
787 GTA Construction Report
Northern Ontario Construction News
Ontario Construction Report
North Carolina Construction News
South Carolina Construction News
Chicago Construction News
Florida Construction News
New York Construction News
National publications
The Canadian Design and Construction Report and
The Design and Construction Report (U.S.) are maga-
zines serving a cross section of the architectural, engineering
and construction industry in both the U.S. and Canada.

Distribution of the online edition is free to qualified
readers, with video and embedded web links enhancing
the reading experience. You can purchase a subscription
to the printed edition by emailing buckshon@cadcr.com.

Association Publications and Directories
CNRGP serves as contract publisher for associations wish-
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For more details, contact Chase at Chase@cadcr.com.

Book publishing
Asset Beam Publishing Ltd., a division of the Construction
News and Report Group, publishes in print and electronic
format, high quality books for distribution to the AEC com-
munity and beyond. Using print-on-demand technologies,
specialized markets can be served with low production
costs and appealing revenue sharing options for authors,
accepted for publication. For more information, contact
Mark Buckshon at buckshon@cadcr.com.

The Construction Marketing Ideas
blog and website
Constructionmarketingideas.com is the first independent
website/blog dedicated to news and developments for mar-
keting in the architectural, engineering and construction
communities. Updated daily, it provides links to dozens of
resources and services related to AEC marketing.

The new Integrated Project Delivery
contract takes design and construction
collaboration and risk sharing to a new level
Geza Banfai discusses CCDC 30 at an Ottawa workshop.

Canadian Design and Construction Report staff writer
The Canadian Construction Documents Committee
(CCDC) has introduced a new standard form contract for
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) – reflecting the current
trend towards projects where design and construction
are collaborative, with shared risk and opportunities for
profit if things go right, and penalties and risk-limiting
controls if they go wrong.

CCDC chair Mark Mulholland, vice-president project
delivery services operations at BGIS, and construction
lawyer Geza Banfai from McMillan LP, outlined the con-
cepts behind the new CCDC 30 contract and explained
how it compares to other construction contract models at
a May 4 workshop in Ottawa, one of several held across
the country.

“CCDC 30 reads like nothing you are really used to,”
Mulholland said. “It’s intensely collaborative. If you can’t
play nicely in the sandbox, there are mechanisms to have
you thrown out. The risk pool to my mind is the element
of the contractual arrangements that give it its power.”
Success is very clear because the parties spend a
great degree of time on mutually agreeing upon the price,
scope, schedule, and quality. “When you achieve suc-
cess, you get your risk pool,” he said. If the project goes
above budget, and the final cost burns into the contingen-
cies, pre-identified by mutual agreement, “then you are
into the risk pool and the owner is now spending your
profit.” However, if the project is way off budget, “the owner
continues to pay the costs if they are above the risk pool
and contingencies.”
“Owners like it, because the risk of costs increasing
above the top line is closely and collaboratively man-
aged,” Banfai said. “Contractors like it, because at least
they are going to (recover) their costs. In the worst case
scenario, they aren’t going to get a profit but they are
going to get their costs.”
Of course, the process requires quite a bit of co-ordi-
nation and planning, since the key players including the
owner, design consultants, general contractor, and key
subtrades need to participate as a team from the start,
even as they compete for the contract, which will be for a
building for which there is not yet a design.

“On day one, when CCDC 30 is signed, as of this date,
there is no project yet,” Banfai said. “There may be a bud-
get but it’s just a thumbnail. There’s no scope, there’s no
design, even all of the parties may not be confirmed. At
this point, the project is a gleam in the owner’s eye.”
The first stage, Banfai said, is the “validation phase”.

The Canadian Design and Construction Report — Spring 2018 – 5