ductivity,” said Allison Scott, head of construction in-
tegrated marketing at Autodesk. “As the cost of
labor continues to increase and firms look to be-
come even more efficient, technology can enable
better collaboration and ultimately lead to more pre-
dictable outcomes. There is also opportunity in un-
tapped pools of talent such as tradeswomen,
veterans, and young people looking for an alterna-
tive to the traditional four-year university.”
Scott noted that 29 percent of firms report they
are investing in technology to supplement worker
duties. One-fourth of firms report they are using cut-
ting-edge solutions, including drones, robots and 3-
D printers. Meanwhile, 23 percent of firms report
they are taking steps to improve jobsite perform-
ance by relying on lean construction techniques,
using tools like Building Information Modeling and
doing more off-site prefabrication.

Even as the industry works to address labor
shortages, 44 percent of firms report they are in-
creasing construction prices and 29 percent are put-
ting longer completion times into their bids for new
work because of the lack of workers, putting future
development and infrastructure projects at risk. As-
sociation officials called on the federal government
to boost funding for career and technical education.

They also called on federal leaders to allow more im-
migrants to enter the country to work in construc-
tion, let construction students at community and
career colleges qualify for federal Pell Grants, and
make it easier for firms to establish apprenticeship
and other training programs.

C on tr ac a t ors ...

A Ch ange Order r
Y ou Can’t
You C
Ignore e.

Are y you
ou r ready y?
New financial st tatement reporting stand ards
starting year
year-e end
e 2019 won
won’t t wait. If you
need GAAP fin nancial statements and ar ren’t
ready for the FASB-mandated
F change, your
y ability to get t bonding and bank k l lo oans
and be pre-qu ualified with FL DOT may y be
impacted – an nd not in a good way.

hS a v leve l & C Co o m p a ny,
ny y, s sp
i sislaicep
t ts s i n t h e
oc n str oitcu n i n d u st ry ,y,ry c a n h e l plp g ui ed y o .u
O ur r M is s ion:
H elp p c on tr ac t ors
mak e m mor e mone y and d
k ee ep mor e of it .

Y our Guide Through
T the New GAAP
AAP 7900 Gl ades Road, Suite 360
Boc a Raton, FL 33434
inf o@shave ell.net
info ell net
561-997-724 561
997 724 42
w www.shavell.net
Florida Construction News — OCTOBER 2019 – 9