CMPX prepares for 2016 show March 16 – 18

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The Canadian Mechanical Plumbing and Mechanical Exposition (CMPX) has announced some improvements for the next show, March 16 to 18, 2016 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

“The Learning Forum seminars and other key events have been relocated to the new Show Floor Theatre on the main show level,” the show organizers said in an email announcement. “Not only will these valuable sessions be more accessible this will keep the thousands of CMPX attendees on the show floor longer.”

CMPX also says it is ready to partner with companies, association chapters or wholesaler branches to “bring the contractors, mechanics, architects, engineers, specifiers and their employees to Canada’s biggest mechanical industry event.”  The show will contribute up to $500 for bus rental services.

The organizers say that more than 90 per cent of the exhibitors from the last show, in 2014, are returning “and many have expanded their space in the show.”

For more information, call Shield Associates Limited, show managers at 1 (800) 282-0003 or (416) 444-5225 to book space.

Additional information is available at >Exhibitors including forms, floor plans and other resources.


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