Ontario Construction News gears up for daily publication

    ocn-d cover april 1-

    Ontario Construction News is gearing up for its daily publication launch on Wednesday, May 1.

    “We’ve been publishing weekly in April as we prepare for the incredible challenge of producing a daily newspaper exclusively focusing on Ontario’s construction industry,” said publisher Mark Buckshon. “As we’ve been publishing these weekly issues, we’re working through the details of our news feed and setting up the systems and processes to manage the daily frequency.”

    “Our plan is to open the portal to accommodate Ontario Construction Act-mandated certificate and notice advertising on April 24, about a week before the publication launches,” Buckshon said. “This will allow early-mover advertisers an opportunity to save significantly on their legally-required notice advertisements as soon as we can publish them.”

    “As a special offer, we’ll invite anyone who has placed a certificate advertisement in the past year in the Daily Commercial News in the past 12 months to submit a copy of their invoice and a similar-sized advertisement, and we’ll publish your new advertisement in our publication for 50 per cent less than you had been paying,” Buckshon said.

    Ontario Construction News has been designed to qualify as a “construction trade newspaper” under Ontario Construction Act regulations introduced last year.

    “If you haven’t advertised in the other publication, our low base rate of $249 will apply for most certificate and notice ads,” said marketing co-ordinator Jason Chase. Certain exceptionally lengthy notices may require an additional fee. “We will notify you if this is the case and tell you how much your notice will cost to publish, before you commit to it – but I can assure you our rates will be far lower than the competition,” Chase said.

    Ontario Construction News can be competitive because the Construction Act regulations allow the newspaper to be published “in electronic form in Ontario,” meaning it is not necessary to print the newspaper and mail it through the postal system. The Act has outlines several other criteria to qualify, “meaning that Ontario Construction News will be the only qualifying publication under the regulations other than Daily Commercial News that can accept the mandatory certificate and notice advertisements,” he said.

    The certificates/notice database and public tender ads will be available for free to anyone viewing the ontarioconstructionnews.com site. As well, the newspaper will publish a daily feed of project opportunities and leads from DataBid.com. You can access the current daily listing for free if you register as a subscriber. Complete access to all back issues and files is available for $19.95 per month. Paid DataBid subscribers can request a free full subscription to the daily newspaper.

    “We’re excited about the opportunity and look forward to hearing from readers, either as subscribers or certificate/notice advertisers,” said Buckshon.

    You can learn more by visiting the website at www.ontarioconstructionnews.com. For certificate and notice ads, visit www.ontarioconstructionnews.com/certificates.


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