Ontario names new chief prevention officer


The Ontario government has appointed Ron Kelusky as new chief prevention officer to oversee the government’s efforts to ensure safe and healthy workplaces.

Kelusky previously was the president and chief executive officer of the Public Services Health and Safety Association where he was responsible for health and safety solutions for Ontario’s healthcare, education, government, and First Nations sectors. He led a number of projects including a system-wide review of violence in the health care sector and strategies on improving outcomes for first responders experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder.

The chief prevention officer oversees the Prevention Office within the Ministry of Labour, and has a wide range of responsibilities, including: working with Ontario’s health and safety system partners to prevent workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities; reporting to the Minister of Labour on the performance of Ontario’s occupational health and safety system; setting province-wide training and safety programs standards; and the establishment of a provincial occupational health and safety strategy.


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