Three contendors on short list for Trillium Line LRT extension

ottawa lrt stage 2
The Ottawa LRT Stage 2 websie

Ottawa has shortlisted three contenders out of five interested consortiums for the Trillium Line north-south extension project as part of the Ottawa Light Rail Transit (LRT) expansion.

The finalists competing for the project include:

  • Trillium Link (Acciona, Fengate, CAF, CIMA+, Momentum, Thomas Cavanagh, Cobalt Architects, GRC Architects);
  • Trillium Extension Alliance (Plenary, Colas, R.W. Tomlinson, Plan Group, WSP, Bird Construction, Mass Electric); and
  • TransitNEXT (SNC Lavalin).

In a memo, city manager Steve Kanellakos said the Trillium Line extension is being undertaken as a Design-Build-Finance-Maintain (DBFM) system procurement that includes maintenance responsibilities for the existing civil infrastructure and rolling stock to 2048.

The city hopes to revise the proposed Trillium Line extension to bring trains almost a kilometre closer to fast-growing Riverside South as part of the Stage 2 transit program.
As originally designed, the line would stop at a rural area along Bowesville Rd., but the city unveiled a plan earlier this month to add about 800 metres of LRT track, moving the station and park and ride lot south to Earl Armstrong Rd.

The estimated $40 million additional cost is outside of the project’s budget, but city officials say they would like to work with private-sector developers on partnerships to accelerate the work.

This announcement follows the earlier shortlist decision for the east-west Confederation Line extension, for which the finalists are:

  • Confederation Transit Group (CTG): Ferrovial, Colas and Tomlinson;
  • East West Connectors (EWC): Kiewit and Vinci; and,
  • Confederation Line 2 Partners (CL2P): Betchel, Aecon, Pomerleau and EBC.

The city says the contract awards for both the Trillium and Confederation line projects are scheduled for the second quarter of 2018, with construction scheduled to start in spring 2019.

With federal and provincial support, the overall cost of the next phase of the rail line and add-ons is expected to cost $3.6 billion.


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