Monte McNaughton Launches Ontario PC Party blue ribbon panel on prompt payment


Ontario PC Critic for Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Monte McNaughton has launched the Ontario PC Blue Ribbon Panel on Prompt Payment.

“This is an important issue for small and medium-sized businesses and job creators all across Ontario and we will begin with broad, province-wide consultations to hear and learn from people all across the province,” McNaughton said in a news release as Bruce Reynolds completes his review of the Construction Lien Act. “The construction industry employs over 400,000 Ontario workers which are approximately 6.4 per cent of Ontario’s total workforce. Construction is also the single largest investor in apprenticeship training. These people are directly impacted by delayed and late payments.”

To launch the panel, McNaughton hosted an industry round-table meeting in downtown Toronto, according to a news release. Attendees shared their experiences and thoughts regarding prompt payment and also spoke about some possible solutions to their concerns. McNaughton will now take the panel on the road for broader province-wide consultations.

“I was happy to meet with such an informed and diverse group of industry leaders. I learned more about prompt payment and how the current situation in Ontario impacts people’s lives and businesses on a day-to-day basis,” said McNaughton. “Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals cannot seem to get anything right, and prompt payment is another such example.”

Ontario is unique in that the majority of US States, the UK, Ireland, the EU, Australia and New Zealand have already enacted prompt payment protection. McNaughton believes it’s only a matter of time before Ontario adopts similar protections, the news release said.

“The goal of the Ontario PC Blue Ribbon Panel on Prompt Payment is to find solutions to the issue of prompt payment. This is an area of concern for both myself and Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown. I’m excited to be chairing this panel, and look forward to hearing from people all across Ontario regarding this important issue,” McNaughton said.

The announcement said those wishing to submit ideas and join the discussion can email


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