DataBid client profileAi Surety Bonding thrives through relationships with surety markets


    Ai Surety Bonding is a leading Canadian surety bonding insurance brokerage serving both private and public companies. From its Toronto offices, the company’s staff of 25 focuses on contractors throughout both Ontario and British Columbia.

    Company president Don Miller says the brokerage is growing rapidly, reflecting the value that Ai’s team is adding to the marketplace. “What sets us apart is our relationship with our surety markets,” he said. “Our partnerships with large, reputable surety companies allow us to offer value not only through our contract surety facilities but in the way we help our clients manage their overall business. We have unique value added programs to enhance our surety offerings.”

    Ai’s offerings include a Maintenance Holdback Release Program that arranges for the oblige to release the maintenance portion of holdbacks as early as 45 days after completion rather than the typical one year wait.

    The company’s Supply Purchase Program facilitates a third party paying COD for materials on any given bonded project while sharing the discount received with its client. “This allows our clients to build better relationships with their suppliers while lowering supply costs.”

    Ai’s Credit Enhancement Program, achieved through the help of a financier, gives clients the freedom to take on larger products by increasing clients’ single size job bonding limit, as well as their aggregate bonding limit capacity.

    “Our holdback release bonds allow for the temporary release of holdback funds from participating municipalities for our clients. We also provide international bonding and a variety of funds control programs that are specific and tailored from our unique and comprehensive line of products.”

    Miller says Ai’s clients range from first time bonded to heavy users of bonds. “We typically work with construction companies and contractors, however we have experience working with companies in various industries that require bonding.

    Ai analyst Claire Li says the company has a holistic view in solving problems and providing solutions, starting with a comprehensive financial review and financial ratio analysis.

    Ai recently became a client of DataBid. Li says DataBid will allow the company to do further in-depth research into a company to see if its company offerings will fit a potential client. “DataBid allows us to gain insight on potential client’s past project patterns. This helps us to be able to provide more comprehensive solutions.”

    For more information, visit


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