CFBA acclaims Dan Reymer, Bart Kanters for second year

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The Canadian Farm Builders Association (CFBA) has acclaimed president Dan Reymer and vice-president Bart Kanters for their second year in office.

Bart Lamters
Bart Kanters

In a statement, the association said the two leaders were greeted warmly by the board at its annual Dan Reymergeneral meeting and conference on Jan. 29 in Stratford.

“As a founding CFBA member, it is very gratifying‎ to see two outstanding individuals like Dan and Bart commit their time and talents to our association,” said director Gary van Boldersen. “The CFBA is in very good hands with their unselfish leadership.”

The CFBA represents numerous stakeholders within the agricultural and farm-building communities and works to promote and advance the construction and standards of Canadian farm buildings.


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