The October issues of Ontario Construction Report and Ottawa Construction News have been published. You can view the stories within the publications through links at the respective websites or, if you are receiving the weekly eletter, clicking at the sidebar images.
Here is the link to the page turning software version of October’s Ontario Construction Report.
Also see stories updated at the daily Ontario Construction News site.
Topics in this issue include:
- Citizen Care Pods provide COVID-19 testing and screen;
- Feds announce $10 billion infrastructure plan for green projects, broadband internet, agriculture;
- COVID-19 picture murky for contractors as infrastructure relief programs are slow to launch: Clive Thurston;
- New boss takes over at Infrastructure Ontario;
- Gordie Howe International Bridge progressing on schedule despite COVID-19 challenges; and
- TDSB lawyers: Ontario Construction News is a compliant Construction Trade Newspaper;