Ontario’s construction safety leaders: Your nominations are invited

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Ontario Construction Report staff writer

Ontario Construction News and Ontario Construction Report are planning special coverage for Occupational Health and Safety Week.

The publications will cover events across the province for the week of May 5 to 11.

“The next issue of OCR will showcase leaders from across Ontario’s skilled and diverse safety industry supporting the construction industry,” says associate publisher Chase. Saety and Health Week is a perfect time for employers, employees and construction partners to focus on the importance of preventing injury and creating a safer workplace.”

Readers are encouraged to nominate health and safety leaders including trainers, suppliers, service professionals “and the contractors who have also introduced new site procedures taking into consideration each person who steps on site,” he said.

“With a quarter-page ad, we will produce a full page article dedicated to the success your nominee has achieved and how they are contributing to a safer construction site.”

You can nominate your candidates through the form linked here.

For editorial and advertising deadlines or questions about the report, call Chase at (905) 341-8686 or email chase@ontarioconstructionnews.com.


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