Forests Ontario says it has welcomed PCL Constructors Canada Inc. (Toronto) as a major supporter of Ontario’s Green Leaf Challenge. Launched in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry, the Green Leaf Challenge celebrates Ontario150 by inviting Ontarians to plant and count three million trees in 2017.
“PCL recognizes that our clients and communities want to partner with a business that is committed to increasing efficiency, reducing carbon emissions and improving quality of life,” says Mike Wieninger, senior vice-president and district manager at PCL Toronto. “Reducing our carbon footprint and supporting the transition to a carbon neutral economy are priorities for our organization.”
PCL’s partnership will support planting projects across the province, engaging community members in making our public spaces greener. In addition to supporting planting events and projects across Ontario, PCL hosted a launch event to announce the company’s support of the Green Leaf Challenge, giving away native tree seedlings to 550 employees to plant with their families and then count toward the Challenge.
“With a history that goes back almost to the birth of Confederation, PCL is excited to take part in the Green Leaf Challenge as part of our Canada 150 celebrations,” Wieninger said. “The program provides our employees with a meaningful way to make a personal and measurable difference to the country’s natural environment, beyond the sustainable projects we build every day.”
Rob Keen, CEO of Forests Ontario said: “This year, we’re celebrating our nation’s 150th birthday. There’s no better way to celebrate, we think, than by planting together today to ensure that the next generation enjoys the benefits that come with healthy forest cover.”
Keen adds, “Leaders around the world have acknowledged that planting healthy forests is essential to addressing the challenges of climate change. PCL is a strong example of leaders in the business community who are ‘walking the walk’ on sustainability and enabling action on the part of their employees and all Ontarians.”
The Green Leaf Challenge will have a significant impact on Ontario’s air quality by adding new forest cover that will remove approximately 6.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from our atmosphere by 2050. All Ontarians can participate by visiting greenleafchallenge.ca and adding their trees to the online counter.