Publishers Viewpoint Dec 2021 by Chase


By Chase

It is the eve of The Buildings Show in Toronto as I prepare the last few items that I need to bring for the show tomorrow morning. It is hard to believe it has been two years since the last show, and my expectations for this year are unknown at this point.

This year will see 300 plus exhibitors and only one hall dedicated to the show. In the past both buildings were full with well over 1,000 exhibitors. To get back to what was normal before COVID-19 you have to start somewhere.

Other events on my radar for 2022 are the Heavy Equipment Show at the end of March and the Ontario  General Contractors’ Symposium returning next April for events in Canada.

Two potential trips I am working on now involve a trip to Chicago for an annual Safety Conference by American Subcontractors Association (ASA) Chicago and the other event is World of Concrete. Compared to a few years ago planning for trips has gotten a little more difficult with the arrival of my daughter last December. I need to re-establish a new network of babysitters and day care support for my wife while I am gone. How I miss the day of being able to get away and not worry about your sons at home alone since they were all between the ages of 16 and 20.

As the month starts, I am looking forward to celebrating my daughter’s first birthday on her first Christmas at home. From my family to yours, I wish you all the best for the holidays and the New Year. If you are holding Christmas or Holiday staff parties this year send us details for coverage in the daily newspaper.

Chase is the director of marketing and client relations for the Construction News and Report Group as well as the associate publisher for the Ontario Construction Report, the Ontario Construction News daily newspaper, as well as several US markets such as Florida, New York, Chicago, The Carolinas and California. You can reach him at (905) 341-8686 or by email


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