‘Road Tour: Construction Ahead’ provincial seminars a success

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The Ontario Hot Mix Producers Association (OHMPA) concluded its ‘Road Tour: Construction Ahead’ seminar series in Woodbridge on June 3. The provincial initiative was a success, said OHMPA executive director Doug Duke.

“This year’s Road Tour facilitated some great conversation,” Duke said. “They provided a diverse group of stakeholders the opportunity to discuss the results of 2012 trials, latest developments and changes impacting the paving season and what to look for in 2013. They also allowed OHMPA’s staff and key leadership to visit with many of our members on their home turf. As a provincial association, we understand how important is to ensure our members feel they’re being well represented.”

The 2013 seminars brought together nearly 150 producer members, contractor representatives and suppliers throughout the province along with MTO, municipal and consulting engineer representatives.

With over 40 percent of attendees being road owners and customers from MTO and municipal sectors, the Road Tour seminars provided a unique opportunity for members to maintain their competitive edge. Members who attended this year’s seminars networked with customers and participated in discussions about what is working, what needs improving and what is changing in design, materials and construction of asphalt paving.

Highlights from the seminar’s agenda include:

  • MTO reports on performance specification developments and other initiatives;
  • MTO Regional Program reports;
  • The latest results from the new Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology (CPATT) RAP mix design study, presented by Susan Tighe, CPATT director at the University of Waterloo;
  • OHMPA Municipal Liaison Committee updates, improving longitudinal joints and pre-qualification for contractors, presented by Sandy Brown, OHMPA technical director.

All seminar presentations are now available for downloading on OHMPA’s website at www.ohmpa.org.

Click here to go directly to the presentations.


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