Innovative Technology Inc. (IT) has introduced new specification editing software that bridges the gap between easy-to-use word processing systems and up-to-the-minute Building Information Modelling (BIM) technologies.
With the company’s new SPECEdit software with BIM Model Probe, specifications writers can develop relevant, accurate and BIM-compatible specifications, based on the National Master Specifications and familiar word-processing technologies, freeing the writer from needing to master complex database-structured processes.
IT president Michael Thornber says specification writers don’t need to relearn their working methodologies in using the new editing tool, which applies traditional and intuitive concepts to expedite the specification-writing process in the BIM era.
“SPECedit is a word processing editor designed exclusively for construction specifications,” Thornber said. “It allows designers to quickly reduce master specifications created in any in any Word format into a single project specification file with a minimum of effort.”
SPECedit is built upon the technology of NMS-Edit, says the Innovative Technology website.
“NMS-Edit has been available for the Windows family of computers since 1983. Architects, engineers, specification writers, building owners and government agencies across the country use and recommend NMS-Edit for construction specifications.”
SPECedit connects to 3D CAD models with Model Probe, ensuring the specifications matches BIM models’ properties, avoiding the potential of costly change orders if the designs are misinterpreted.
“SPECedit is designed to be simple enough that architects, engineers and specification writers can use it, reducing the amount of proof reading and extra checking needed,” Thornber said.
Model Probe, meanwhile, enables the writers to select entities and their properties from a model and insert a paragraph or table into the specifications containing the same data. Once the data is placed, should the model be updated and the properties changed, the specification will update automatically.
For more information about SPECedit and Model Probe, visit
You can also download demonstration software at the site, or here.