Strong development applications expected in York Region

Image Courtesy of the Regional Municipality of York

Development remains strong in York Region, however the types of proposals submitted over the past five years has changed, according to York Region’s 2017 Development Activity Summary.

Today, 60 percent of the region’s housing mix consists of semi-detached, townhouse and apartment units. This trend continues to increase year-over-year, according to the Regional Municipality of York.

“Development activity in York Region remains strong over the past five years with official plan amendment approvals up 48 percent and site plan approvals up 59 percent,” York Region CEO Wayne Emmerson said in a statement. “We are seeing a diverse and increasing mix of housing options and offices built across York Region. This transformation is necessary as we modernize and prepare for expected population and job growth.”

A total of 283 applications were reviewed and responded to by regional staff in 2017 including: 40 official plan amendment (OPA) applications; 67 subdivision or condominium applications conditionally approved; an additional 60 subdivision or condominium applications cleared for construction; 70 site plan application approvals; and 46 engineering approvals.

“Based on our detailed development trend forecast, applications should remain strong in 2018 as we work towards meeting Provincial growth targets and achieving the Region’s planning vision,” stated City of Markham Regional Councillor Joe Li, chair of the region’s planning and economic development. “The complexity and importance of local planning matters are increasing given the shift towards infill development and intensification projects within urban areas.”


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