Win big with a simple photo of your favourite road


With winter finally in the rear view mirror and Ontarians looking ahead to long summer days in a cottage by the lake, the Ontario Hot Mix Producers Association (OHMPA) is calling on drivers to share photos of their favourite provincial roads as part of its third annual #ONGreatRoads contest.

Those submitting an original photo through Twitter or Facebook between May 15 and July 5 will be entered into a weekly draw for a $75 gas card. At the conclusion of the contest, one grand prize will be drawn for a $500 gas card.

“The first two years of the #ONGreatRoads contest were very successful,” said OHMPA executive director Doug Duke. “OHMPA’s primary goal as an association is to promote excellence in asphalt pavement and we want to see that excellence through the public eye. People have emotional ties to the countless Ontario highways and byways that get them safely and smoothly to the summer places they enjoy so much. Over the next several weeks, we want people to share as many of those terrific roads as possible.”

Ontario contains approximately 200,000 km. of asphalt roads which are considered to be some North America’s smoothest, most sustainable and most scenic.

“This initiative is a celebration of what Ontario’s asphalt producers do best and that is pave great roads that are at the heart of the province’s infrastructure,” Duke said. “Giving people the opportunity to tell the story of their favourite road is a great way to highlight the good work that goes into paving Ontario’s road network. And, with the fluctuating price of gas these days, who couldn’t use a bit of extra cash to help pay for those summer drives?”

Entering the contest is as easy as snapping a picture on your phone and tweeting it to @OHMPA #ONGreatRoads or posting it to Facebook at  Entries should be original photos of an open Ontario road and not a construction site. The winning photo will also be featured in the Fall 2015 edition of Asphaltopics, OHMPA’s magazine which is published three times a year.


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