College residences offer affordable, high-quality summer accommodations for construction crews


Ontario Construction Report special feature

Residence & Conference Centre (RCC) provides contractors and construction workers a unique and cost-effective accommodation option during the busy summer season.

The company manages student residences on 18 campuses in Ontario. During the summer RCC converts the buildings into temporary accommodations at rates that are truly competitive with conventional hotels.

“Starting early May, until middle to late August, we provide hotel-style accommodation with housekeeping and clean, secure and comfortable suites,” said David Carroll, who oversees sales and conferences for RCC – Brampton and Oakville.

Rates are competitive, especially for extended stays.  In many locations, accommodations can start as low as $49 per night. The majority of RCC rooms are two private bedroom suites, with a bathroom and kitchenette.

These rates in the well-maintained buildings make the summer residences ideal for tradespeople either on temporary assignment, or perhaps relocating to a new community.

“We also rent space to tourists seeking affordable accommodation, and sports teams and groups, but we are careful to manage the space so that the people staying with us are in a compatible environment.” Carroll says. In other words, extended-stay guests (who might sometimes need to work shifts) would not be housed on the same floor as sports teams coming for tournaments and perhaps wishing to enjoy some late-night celebrating, he says.


The 18 Ontario locations include Barrie, Brampton, Hamilton, King City, Kitchener-Waterloo, Niagara-on-the-Lake, North Bay, Oakville, Oshawa, Ottawa (two locations), Sudbury (two locations) Thunder Bay, Toronto (two locations), Welland, and Windsor.  There is also a location in Kamloops, B.C.

For further information about available accommodation, rates, and to book your stay for yourself or your employees, or visit online at


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