Construction liens under Ontario’s new Construction Act: Strategies for Navigating the New Regime



Ontario Construction Report staff writer

York University’s Osgoode Professional Development, an affiliate of Osgoode Hall Law School, is offering an intensive professional development program on Feb. 20, on how to navigate constructions liens under the Ontario Construction Act.

“The rules and obligations have changed significantly, and there is no precedent in Ontario. Construction liens now operate alongside the new prompt payment and adjudication regimes and, combined with gaps and inconsistencies in the legislation, you must be forearmed with crucial knowledge and skills in order to successfully manage your construction liens,” says program lawyer Alexandra Karacsony.

The February 20 program will be led by high-profile construction lawyers Sandra Astolfo, with WeirFoulds LLP, and Jason Annibale and Geza Banfai, both with McMillan LLP. They and “an exceptional, multi-disciplinary faculty of legal and industry professionals, will provide essential information and practical guidance you need to comply with the new law and successfully manage your next lien in this new era of construction law,” Karacsony said.

The program covers the anatomy and mechanics of liens, the various types of liens and lienable services, and practical guidance and strategies to navigate the new regime, with a focus on real-world issues, including “oddball” issues.

Other topics in the day-long program include:

  • Understanding the new legal and procedural requirements;
  • How to decide when to use a lien and when to pursue alternatives to liens;
  • A Lien Master’s walk through a lien trial, including recommended do’s and don’ts;
  • Develop troubleshooting techniques, including what to do when: the CRA gets involved; federal land is involved; you lose at adjudication; and
  • Tactics to protect yourself from gaps and inconsistencies in the law.

Participants can join the 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. program on Feb. 20, by webcast or in person at Osgoode Professional Development Centre, 1 Dundas St. W., 26th Floor, Toronto, or by online replay on April 30, 2020.

For more information and to register visit or contact Alexandra Karacsony by email at


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