Introducing a new, faster tool for publishing CSPs and other legal notices in Ontario Construction News



Ontario Construction Report staff writer

Ontario Construction News has introduced some new tools and resources to enhance and speed up the publication of Certificates of Substantial Performance (CSP) and other notices mandated by the Ontario Construction Act.

These include a provision to publish a live, downloadable copy of the relevant certificates, and a system that automates the posting/publishing of the relevant notices, shaving some hours off the production process before the notices can be published.

The visible aspect of this change is that you can, if you wish, self-enter the relevant form data and (if you wish) pay on the spot by credit card through PayPal.

The  do-it-yourself tool may be helpful in situations where you wish to post your notice shortly before the six p.m. deadline the business day before publication.

But it is quite okay (and probably makes sense in most cases) for you to continue to send your notices the old-fashioned way – as an email attachment to (the best way) or by fax to 1-613-702-5357.

While you won’t see obvious changes, the new systems allow the daily construction trade newspaper to remove some duplicate and production processes, speeding its turn-around time for proofs and enabling us to maintain the shortest legally-compliant CSP notice publishing cycle in Ontario.

While the Ontario Construction Act allows OCN-Daily to be published in electronic format, a separate law, the Legislation Act (2006) defines “newspaper” as needing to be in “sheet format” and published at regular intervals. This means, according to the publisher’s interpretation, that the notices need to be published daily in a PDF publication, as well as through a retrievable database.

While this means OCN-Daily cannot publish the notices instantly, the delay can be as little as a few hours.  The newspaper will send advertisers  proof of publication certificate in less than a day for certificates sent to itMonday through Thursday.

The price for this service remains highly competitive at $249.00 per notice, regardless of length, meaning you could achieve savings of $90 to $250 or more, depending on your notice’s length.

While OCN-Daily has introduced a prepayment option, you can still pay by cheque, direct bank deposit, or credit card after the notice is published and you receive your Certificate of Publication.

And you of course can save the time and effort of keying in the data – which can be a significant advantage if you have several notices you wish to publish in Ontario Construction News.

But, as noted above, it is quite okay to do things like you’ve always done, by sending your certificates to

“Meanwhile, although the Ontario Construction Act doesn’t require publishers to post the actual live copy of your CSP or other legal form, we think this is a good idea because it certainly absolutely proves the notice has been properly published,” said publisher Mark Buckshon.  “If this sort of copy requirement was truly required by law then none of the notices published under the former Construction Lien Act over the past decades would have been legal, because the Ontario Construction Act’s regulations largely mirror the wording in the former CLA.”.

You can check out the new direct entry system at        You’ll be able to retrieve the relevant documents simply by using the search function for the relevant certificates.


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