OAA Awards spotlight designs that adapt to ever-changing communities

oaa agha khan

Bringing together architects from across the province, this year’s Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) Celebration of Excellence Awards on May 13, showcased the best in architectural design and innovation. Nine new buildings in Toronto, London, Thunder Bay, Georgian Bay, as well as in, Edmonton, Alberta and Vancouver, B.C. were distinguished in this year’s Design Excellence category, the OAA said in a news release.

The 2016 award-winning projects illustrate how architecture can adapt to the evolving needs of communities over time.

“This year’s Design Excellence Award honourees stand not only as beautiful buildings, but also as examples of architecture’s ability to creatively problem solve,” says OAA president Toon Dreessen. “From multi-generational housing to adaptive reuse of underutilized sites to flexible spaces that can be reconfigured to users’ needs, Ontario’s architects are once again showing their ability to respond to the changing needs of our communities and our society.”

In addition to the nine Design Excellence Awards announced before the ceremony, three more honours were unveiled during the gala:

  • The Lieutenant Governor’s Award was presented to the Richard Ivey Building, Richard Ivey School of Business, Western University by Hariri Pontarini Architects;
  • Michael V. and Wanda Plachta Award, honouring architectural excellence for projects in Ontario that cost no more than eight million dollars, was presented to Brook McIlroy Inc., for Prince Arthur’s Landing, Thunder Bay Waterfront; and
  • People’s Choice, decided by public vote, went to the Aga Khan Museum, Toronto by Moriyama & Teshima Architects in association with Maki and Associates.

The honours were presented at the 2016 OAA Celebration of Excellence Awards Ceremony and Dinner at the Allstream Centre, Exhibition Place, Toronto. The OAA says the gala was attended by the province’s top architects, building industry guests, clients of the winning projects and those with a passion for architecture.

Ontario Lieutenant Goveror Elizabeth Dowdeswell brought greetings and presented the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Design Excellence in Architecture.

Comedian and host of Food Network Canada’s Eat St., James Cunningham, was the evening’s MC.




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