Ontario Construction Report: May issue published

ocr cover may 2021

The May issues of Ontario Construction Report and Ottawa Construction News have been published. You can view the stories within the publications through links at the respective websites or, if you are receiving the Ontarioconstructionreport.com weekly eletter, clicking at the sidebar images.

Here is the link to the page turning software version of April’s Ontario Construction Report.

Also see stories updated at the daily Ontario Construction News site.

Topics in this issue include:

  • Spiking construction materials costs impacting contractors, delaying projects across Ontario;
  • OGCA perspective:  Why are they still sole-sourcing?
  • Construction management professional development re-imagined;
  • Collaboration in construction: The low-hanging fruit that most fail to value and appreciate;
  • Young carpenters living their dreams after completing OYAP program at the College of Carpenters and Allied Trades;
  • National Day of Mourning: Remembering those who died, were injured or made ill from their jobs and commit to preventing workplace tragedies; and
  • Cities and towns continue adapting services and planning recovery in a post-COVID-19 world.
    • Special feature: Hamilton celebrates $1.3 billion in building permits after a successful switch to a virtual world.


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