Ontario invests $4.38 million in projects to improve occupational health and safety

English/Anglais IS2010-9756-02 February 6, 2010 WHISTLER, BRITISH COLUMBIA Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Corporal Duane Ivany (right), and Constable Mark Levesque, specially trained in Fall Suppression, conduct a security sweep of the grandstand at the Whistler Sliding Centre prior to the start of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. The RCMP-led Integrated Security Unit (ISU) is responsible for all security operations during the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. The ISU is comprised of personnel from the RCMP, Canadian Forces and 118 other police departments from across Canada. In preparation for the Games, security and public safety agencies from all levels of government are working together to ensure they are prepared to respond to any potential emergency on land, sea or in the air. The scope and scale of these Games will make it the largest domestic security operation to date in Canadian history. Photo credit: Sergeant Frank Hudec, Canadian Forces Combat Camera French/Français IS2010-9756-02 6 février 2010 WHISTLER (COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE) Le caporal Duane Ivany (à droite) et le gendarme Mark Levesque, de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC), qui ont suivi une formation spéciale en prévention des chutes, participent au ratissage de sécurité du stade au Centre des sports de glisse de Whistler avant le début des Jeux olympiques d’hiver de 2010 à Vancouver. Le Groupe intégré de sécurité (GIS), dirigé par la Gendarmerie royale du Canada, est responsable de toutes les opérations de sécurité durant les Jeux olympiques et paralympiques d’hiver de 2010 à Vancouver. Le GIS est composé de membres du personnel de la GRC, des Forces canadiennes et de 118 services de police du Canada.1 En vue des Jeux, des organismes de sécurité et de sécurité publique de tous les ordres du gouvernement collaborent afin de s’assurer qu’ils sont prêts à répondre à tout type d’urgence sur terre, sur mer et dans les airs. Ces jeux, en raison de leur portée et de leur ampleur, constitueront la plus vaste opération de sécurité intérieure de l’histoire canadienne. Photo : Sergent Frank Hudec, Caméra de combat des Forces canadiennes v2010 vancouver 2010


The provincial government is providing $4.38 million to support projects to improve occupational health and safety for workers across the province

A government news release says these projects will be funded through two Ministry of Labour initiatives:

Funding will support initiatives that aim to improve safety for workers engaged in high hazard activities, protect vulnerable workers, help small businesses advance their health and safety practices, protect young workers, understand and support workplace mental health and put occupational health and safety research into practice.

The successful projects strongly align with the province’s ongoing prevention priorities and build on work being completed through the Construction Health and Safety Action Plan and Ontario’s Integrated Occupational Health and Safety Strategy.


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