Publishers Viewpoint Feb 2023 By Chase


By Chase

How has your 2023 been so far this year? What new projects, staff updates and product launches are you targeting for the next few months? The reason I ask is to provide you with multiple platforms to promote your news.

Ontario Construction Report’s new Making Headlines $995 promotion will feature your organization in this monthly magazine with an 800-word article. Your editorial coverage will be published in the daily Ontario Construction News at no additional cost. You will also receive a quarter-page ad in the magazine as well as web banner ads for two months and a newsletter banner ad for one month.

Your articles can focus on new projects, community involvement, new staff or promotions as well as product launches. You can submit a media release, write a guest article or work with our editorial team to create the article for you no additional cost. As always, you can review and approve the layout prior to publishing.

Our newest service, The Construction News Wire, launched late in 2022. This specialized media release distribution service for the US and Canada will help you spread the word about your announcements. You can view industry news and media releases here: Construction News – News Release And Construction Community.

Your submitted new release will be featured on the website, social media and our network of relevant sites across Canada and the US. Ongoing rates are reasonable at $249 per submitted media releases with photos, and (until May 31), you will receive two announcements for the price of one.  We are working on some additional upgrades that will allow you to also submit videos and audio recordings/interview.

As always, you can submit your media releases for our editorial team to review and select based on editorial merit without cost. Key is not to be over-the-top self-serving, providing value to the readers.

            Chase is the director of marketing and client relations for the Construction News and Report Group as well as the associate publisher for the Ontario Construction Report, the daily Ontario Construction News and as several US magazines. You can reach him at (905) 341-8686 or by email at


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