Publishers viewpoint June 2021


By Chase

Is the end of COVID-19 finally in sight for Ontario’s construction industry? As vaccine roll out in the province for percentage of population now outpaces the surrounding US states, a sense of normalcy is slowly returning. How long will it be before construction materials drop to more manageable 2019 costs?

This past week I was able to get my first shot, and now I am working on getting two of four sons booked in the next week for theirs. My next shot is set for Sept. 10,  and with that I am left wondering what in-person industry events may starting returning this fall. Is there hope for the Building/Construct Canada to be a blended event? What association events that have been postponed or held in a virtual setting this year that may return in 2022?  You can share details and we can provide editorial coverage or even media sponsorship.

From covering events in New York and Florida this year, they have been holding blended events since February – a stark contrast to Ontario which has shut down everything. I wonder how many people will elect to stay virtual for events that return this September on. Myself I look forward to meeting people in person.

It will be interesting to see how the industry adapted in the past 16 months and what changes it will keep in place or adapt. What changes or new technology has your company rolled out that you will continue to use?

Share your details and we can prepare a special report highlighting the Top 10 changes to the industry related to technology, applications and project management in an upcoming issue. Some early feedback has highlighted the acceptance of online training and working remote as two key areas of interest.

How is your company or community continuing to overcome COVID-19 and thrive? Share your story and we can include coverage in our news section of the monthly magazine or daily newspaper. Keep me posted on company and industry events. nI am also looking for new partnerships.

Chase is the Director of Marketing and Client Relations for the Construction News and Report Group as well as the Associate Publisher for the Ontario Construction Report, our daily digital newspaper Ontario Construction News as well as several US magazines. You can reach him at (905) 341-8686, by email


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