Publishers viewpoint: At Summer’s end


Just a few more than 20 days of Summer remain as I write this viewpoint. With the recent cool off in the weather, I am looking forward to crossing off a few last items from our family’s Summer Fun Event Checklist – without melting.

Events will include a Thursday evening or two in the park events in Pelham with live music and food trucks. A day trip to the local Safari Niagara with our youngest daughter and a quick stop at the Butterfly Conservatory in Niagara Falls will follow in the next few weeks. Some concerts are in the works for my wife to attend throughout the Fall and early Winter.

With our 3-year-old daughter, we have not ventured to out-of-town overnight concerts yet. Our focus has been within an hour’s drive to avoid our daughter having a meltdown. I am hopeful 2024 will be easier for trips for both work and family as she gets older and adjusts to spending time with other family members.

Business-wise, we will be holding our annual planning session via Zoom over a few Wednesday mornings in September.  We’re looking forward to returning to an in-person meeting next year as the business evolves to employee ownership. The agenda for this year will be finalized over the next few weeks. I email my suggestions and feedback throughout the year as I come across ideas on how we can adapt our media network, implement business health practices, and adapt new ideas to increase revenue.

What events do you have planned this Fall for family and work life? Keep us posted on your work-related events for coverage in the daily newspaper and monthly magazine. You can email media releases or events details to me and we can also provide follow up coverage with a few submitted photos. Any questions or to get coverage email me

Chase is the director of Marketing and Client Relations for the Construction News and Report Group as well as the associate publisher for the Ontario Construction Report and Ottawa Construction News, the daily digital Ontario Construction News, Canadian Design & Construction Report national weekly newsletter as well as several US markets.


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