Publishers Viewpoint


Jan 2021  By Chase

Happy New Year from my family and the staff of the Ontario Construction News! Let us all reset and pretend that 2020 was a just a test run for this year! I hope that you, your family and friends are all well and are taking time to reflect on what you are all thankful for.

I am thankful for the great support my wife and I have received since our daughter Aubrey decided to arrive 10 weeks early on December 3rd. My wife is recovering nicely and Aubrey is doing well with the great care from all the Doctors, Nurses and Support Staff of Hamilton Sick Kids Hospital. I am also thankful for Ronald McDonald House which has allowed my wife and I to stay close by with a 5-minute walk to the hospital vs. a one-hour drive from home. I have learned to be thankful for every small step of progress my daughter makes each day.

Most days I work from my room at Ronald McDonald House and then spend the 2 pm until 8 pm shift daily with my daughter. With COVID-19 restrictions only one parent is allowed in at a time. I want to thank my clients for the extra flexibility they have allowed me when scheduling calls or Zoom meetings so I can work around my schedule at the hospital. Our fingers are crossed that in the coming weeks a spot will open up closer to home for our daughter.

What are you thankful for? What are your plans for the year for work, the construction industry and home life? Share what you are thankful for and what you are looking forward to in 2021 and we could feature you in our news section.

Chase is the director of marketing and client relations for the Construction News and Report Group as well as the associate publisher for the Ontario Construction Report, our daily digital newspaper Ontario Construction News as well as several US magazines.  If you have any recommendations or suggestions on changes you would like to make for the publication, please contact him at 905-341-8686 by email  or visit online at 


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