Ontario Construction Report staff writer
You can win some recognition and money with your original construction-related photos to be published in upcoming Ontario Construction Report editions.
In our first annual photo contest, we’re seeking entries that demonstrate Ontario’s construction industry and activity. You don’t need to be a professional photographer to enter, and you may find some of your site progress photos are suitable for the contest.
We’ll publish winning entries in upcoming OCR issues, and may also use them on our related websites, magazines (such as Ottawa Construction News or the Canadian Design and Construction Report) and social media feeds. As well, your photos could be published in the daily Ontario Construction News.
This year’s contest closes on Nov. 15.
The first prize winner will receive $100.00. We’ll also pay all runner-ups (as your photos are initially published) a one-time publication fee of $25.00
You can send your photos to photocontest@ontarioconstructionnews.com or, if the image size is large, provide links via a file sharing service such as Google Drive or Dropbox.
See additional details and requirements below:
- If the image size is larger (it is good that the image size be large for higher resolution), use the file sharing service of your choice and send us a note confirming the sharing link to photocontest@ontarioconstructionnews.com.
- Please include the photographer’s name and company. The photo should be original work and not “borrowed” from anywhere else. Copyright observation is vital – no image should be provided to us where someone else holds copyright.
- Provide as many details as you can, including the location, when the photo was taken, and details about the project, such as its size, names of key organizations participating in it, its budget, and any other information that will help tell the story behind the image.
- Be sure that the image you provide demonstrates a safe working environment. It certainly is not a good idea to provide images where safety violations are apparent.
- Note that in providing your image, you are providing us non-exclusive rights to reuse the photo as often as we wish, in any media published by 26750547 Ontario These rights will be confirmed by our one-time $100 (first prize winner) or $25.00 (runner up) fee.
If you have any questions about the contest, you can inquire by email to photocontest@ontarioconstructionnews.com, or email publisher Mark Buckshon at buckshon@ontarioconstructionnews.com.